An introduction to Italian starts at age 5 with a course for all that includes stories, songs, drama, poetry
and an introduction to reading and writing.
In years 2-6 two parallel courses are offered.
Course 1 – follows the Italian curriculum using appropriate textbooks and gaining a strong knowledge of reading, writing and grammar. These children are also offered an after school course of history, geography and science
which prepare them to take the Italian state exam for entry into Italian Middle School.
Course 2 – follows a rich oral course which is aimed at children learning Italian as an additional language.
This leads on to both reading and writing.
We feel very fortunate that our daughter S.C. had the opportunity to attend Core International School. We loved the learning environment at Core, where children are treated with a firm but gentle hand. Academics, art, music, ...
Sonu M.
In our family, BC and AC mean Before Core and After Core. Both our children, who are six years apart, started as Ladybirds and left school at the end of Class 6: they had the most wonderful experience! Their dearest friends are from Core ...
Isabella F.
To this day my son still sings the songs from the spectacular school plays, talent shows and end of year concerts he took part in at Core, where creativity and artistic expression make learning enjoyable and stress free. At Core my son and ...
Silvia S.