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Calendar 2024-25

Thursday 5th September First term begins
First three days school closes at 12.00 noon
Wednesday 23rd October Parent/Teacher evening
Friday 25th October Halloween party
Monday 28th October - Friday 1st November Half-term holiday
Monday 4th November School re-opens at 9.00am
Friday 20th December Christmas Plays - School closes at 12.00 noon for the Christmas holiday
Tuesday 7th January Second term begins. School re-opens at 9.00am
Wednesday 12th February Parent/Teacher evening
Monday 17th February - Friday 21st February Half-term holiday
Monday 24th February School re-opens at 9.00am
Tuesday 4th March Carnival party
Thursday 17th April Easter bonnet parade. School closes at 12.00 noon for the Easter holiday
Monday 28th April Third term begins. School re-opens at 9.00am
Thursday 1st May School closed for public holiday
Friday 2nd May School closed
Monday 2nd June School closed for public holiday
Friday 13th June School concert and summer fair
Friday 20th June Sports Day - School closes at 12.00 noon for the summer holiday